Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hello. Sorry it's been so long. I used to be so motivated to blog and share all the things I'm doing and how I'm feeling and stuff, but now It always feels like a chore. I just havn't had any big insperation for a while. I don't ONLY wan't to talk about what I've been up to. I normally like to let you know how I'm doing too, and how I feel and opinions I have about things. This blog isn't just for people at home. It's r future exchange students and I've been having a hard time comming up with good stuff to write. I read a really good blog last year when I was getting ready to come over here and I couldn't get enough of it. So I feel bad going more than half a month not writing but I just havn't been having the feeling of, "this next post is gonna be good"

I've been in Denmark for 7 months 2 weeks and 3 days and I have 3 months 1 week and 1 day left. I knew that off the top of my head. I can't stop thinking about time. How slow tha days go, but how fast the weeks go, and how I have no idea how long a month should feel, and what I was doing this time last year, and what I'll be doing this time next year. My brain is always in another place and I can't get it to stay HERE. I don't have that much more time so I know I need to stop thinking about everything and just be here but thats really hard. I think about comming home like it's happening tomorrow or next week or somthing. I've still got a bunch of time here.

(......I just re-read that last paragraph. I think you should to. It's a perfect ilustration showing how much I have no idea what I'm talking about. I write: "I don't have that much time left." and then the next sentence, "I've still got a bunch of time here" I honestly didn't do that on purpose. I was just writing down my thoughts. Thats what they look like on paper....)

I'm more than ready for some warmer wether. It's been so cold still every morning. the snow as been taking forever to melt and It's finally almost all gone :) But it's still just bellow or just above freezing every day. It's making me sick! Literally, I stayed home from school today. I've got a lot of stuff I want to do in these next few months but this wether makes it hard. I cant wait for warm!

I'm gonna write a list of things to look forward to. Not all of it is planed but, jsut stuff I want to do before It's ALL OVER.

- Anne/Joe, Family Birthday Party (April 3rd)
- My musical! (April 7-9) we have a performance on my birthday!
- My birthday! (April 8th)
- long bike ride to some place far away
- sleep on the beach
- have a party
- take a farry to Oslo (Norway) spend the day there and then come back.
- spend more time in Copenhagen :)
- Pass all my exams!!! :/

hmmm. This post didn't really get anywhere in particular....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Winter Break in Sweden

I'm back! and it's March...that was, once again, really fast.

In the 7 months that I've been over here, I've now been lucky enough to go to Sweden 2 times :) The first time was in the fall, and I got to go white water rafting, and this time I got to go skiing (down hill and cross-country) and see winter better than I've ever seen it before. It was a nice trip, And Sweden is a nice place. I thought it was beautiful in the fall but now I would have to say that winter has got to be Sweden's best season. After months of almost no sun, I got to take in DAYS of blue skies. It was really nice, but far from warm. Which is a good thing. Otherwise the snow wouldn't have looked so nice. I fell once skiing, but thats becuase i wasn't looking where I was going. I was looking around me :D

(Yes, I took all those. I just edited some of them)

We stayed at my host dad's sister's house. It took about 9 hours to drive up there from Køge (about half way up in Sweden) but we left a day latter than planned becuase of a snow storm.

My host family has a lot of family in Sweden. When my host dad's sister moved there, she got married and had 4 daughters. So, they have never lived in Denmark. They are all grown and 3 of them have teenage kids (át least 3 each) So thats a lot of Swedish people to visit. It's was weird hearing all that Swidish and being able to understand so much of it. Swidish and Danish a very close (especially written.) There was a lot I couldn't understand but there was so much was similar. When ever we went into a store, we would speak danish to the workers. They would just speak Swidish back and that actually worked! It was cool.

Anyways, I'm keeping this short. It was really nice trip :) When I got home I went to Næstved and had a reallllyyy fun time with some exchange student friends. I came home Saturday morning and Andy came over. We went to a lame musium in Køge and we watched some good movies. He left Sunday and then break was over :( ...But schools fun too.