Monday, September 21, 2009

...And It Just Keeps Getting Better

Are you ready for a long post with a lot of pictures??? Becuase I am. I've been having sooo much fun here in Denmark. I think I'm at one of those "high points" they talked about before I left. A time were everything is good:) REALLY good. And when you just feel so lucky and happy to be there in your host country doing what your doing. Thats me. I love Denmark! I love how unorganized and random my life has become now. Thats what I was looking for...spontaneity! And I got it. I do somthing differnt every day. My weekends are the most random things in the world! (haha) The best part is, when I think about it, my life here is just going to keep getting better and better. With every new expierience I have, with every new place I go, or person I meet, or Danish word I learn, my life will just keep getting better. It will just keep buliding! I came here with nothing but myself and now I kind of have a fake little life...that I really like! It's great!
o, the last time I bloged I was halfway through my "bridge building" week, questioning what buseniss school and soccer had in common. The answer?..nothing! Last week was sooo random. Like I said before, we weren't in our own school. On Monday we went to the business school. Tuesday we played soccer. Wednesday we were at the business school again, and then on Thursday we went to Copenhagen. We went to a giant pet store and a mall...(?)....Then on Friday we played vollyball with the kids from the business school :) .....(I just go with the flow)

In Copenhagen on Thursday...

Friday night was a big party! It was a double birthday party for a girl in my class ad a guy from one of the other 10th sses. They rented out a little party hall in Herfølge (the town south of Køge) It was soo much fun. There were kids running a DJ table and we palyed some wierd games....Oh! and I went in the girls bathroom! (haha) it said "D" on the door. The danish word for "boy" starts with a D...but the danish word for "Lady" also stats with D! haha. It's kind of sad, you'de think I would know what bathroom to go in by now. O well. I'm foreign :D

It was kind of difficult getting up at 8:30 the next morning and riding my bike to the train station. But worth it. I was going to Næstved to visit exchange friends! Ya! I met Andy (from the US) on the train and we headed South :) Once we got there and met up with everyone (8 of us) we kind of realized that we didn't really have any plans...We just said "go to Næstved!" Some kids travels from 3 hours away but we never botherd to come up with a game plan. (haha) But I think that why it ended up being so fun... there were 4 girls from New Zealand with us, and even though they don't sound american, it was wierd, and kind of nice to talk to them and know that english is thier first language. We could talk and use big words if we wanted to and they would understand! I didn't real realize how much slower I've gotten with my english already. When I'm with the Danes I try to keep things kind of simple is kind of all I know now. (haha) You don't realize it until your with other people who speek english as a native language. You can't see it much when I'm writing becuase I have time to work things through and get in all the words I want in the right order ;)
Anyway, we ended up walking around Næstved for a few hours. We were all trying to save money so we had grapes and beer for lunch. (haha) For 8 people! Dinner was a bag of rolles with cheese that we ate on the beach :) And it was such A nice day out. Unusaually HOT...but really really nice.

Not only was this luch for 8 people, but we ate it on the ground at the bus stop! you cant get much more foreign than that!

Cool bus...


After the beach we went to Kelsi's house. We mostly just talked there. It's really nice to talk to other exchange students and to hear how differnt everyone's experiences have been. It's crazy how many differnt ways my exchange could have gone. Everyone was spending the night but I had bought my train ticket round trip so I had to use it before 12:00. I took a train back to Køge at 11:30 (my first time alone) It felt cool. But I fell asleep and almost missed the stop. I was pretty tired. When I got home ( around 12:15) Anne and her friend were sitting at the table getting "warmed up" to go down town. I sat down and they helped wake me up :) I ended up going to town with them. My first time sucessfully getting into a bar! I guesse its harder in Køge becuase it seems like all the other exchange students can always do it in their towns.
I spent Sunday with Far again. We went to the water tower. He said they open it once a year so people can climb up into it. It was cool. We got a really good view of Køge and the bay. We got ice cream too :) It was another really warm day. It felt like summer! We road through some trails too. We have woods close to our house thats a lot like stony creek (home in Michigan) It was fun.

My Danish is improving, And that big day at the start os October is getting closer and closer. The day I stop using english (until 8pm). We've been speeking a lot more Danish at home. I'd say it's at least half and half now and it used to be maybe only 1/4 Danish. And I'm starting to understand all the math words like: plus, minuse, area, vloume, radius,...names of shapes...ect. Today in math (we were doing geometry so it was easy for me) I helped explaine how to do it to some kids who weren't getting it...and I did that in Danish! I'm starting to use it more casually now. It isn't such a big deal when I speek it becuase I just say everything I can in Danish. It's
helping me so much. Oh! and I starting level 2 in language school now. So It's coming along...

Life is good!


madison said...

that is so awesome!! it sounds like you are having such a great time!! im jealous, but we miss you so much when we go up to the island!!

Unknown said...

I miss you too Madison..